Professional & Occupational Licensing & Discipline

In Florida, there are almost 200,000 people who hold a teaching certificates, or administrator certificates. Unfortunately in any given year there probably 4 to 5000 complaints that are made about teacher’s or administrator’s that hold certificates. These complaints range from minor to serious, and can result in discipline been imposed against a certificate, whether that’s a fine or probation or suspension or permanent revocation. Cases against professional certificates and the education field are handled by the Florida Department of Education, and if pursued ultimately go before the Education Practices Commission (EPC). If cases are not resolved by settlement, they will usually be referred to the division of administrative hearings for a full hearing. This hearing is equivalent to a trial with the only difference being that you have an Administrative Law Judge and not a jury making the final factual recommendations.

Allegations of misconduct that are a basis to take action against a teaching certificate may also result in disciplinary action up to and including the loss of employment at the school board or charter school that employs a teacher or administrator, and these hearings are also typically referred to the division of administrative hearings before going back to the school board for entry of a final order.

Mr. Woodring has worked with thousands of these complaints against teachers or administrators, going back to his days when he was general counsel at the Florida Department of Education. Please contact us if you’ve been accused of actions that might have an impact on your ability to have a teaching or administrator’s certificate or your employment in a public school, and we can discuss whether we will be able to help you.